Jewish Queeries Series

1521 of 23 items

Conservative Impulses: Queers, Interfaith Couples, and Jewish Continuity with Professor Samira K. Mehta. A CLGS Jewish Queeries Series Event


Click here for a video recording of this online Jewish Queeries Series CLGS event! In the final three decades of the twentieth century, Liberal American Judaism struggled to address two new challenges to longstanding conceptions of the Jewish family: interfaith marriage and same-gender relationships. The trajectories of these two issues raises the question: if non-Orthodox Jewish communities are more […]

“Post-Gay”: How Queer Values Benefit All People with Rabbi Joshua Lesser. A CLGS Jewish Queeries Series Event


Click here for a video recording of this CLGS Jewish Queeries Series event! Ten years ago, a prominent Jewish Gay historian wrote an article in a major Jewish newspaper about the “dim” future of LGBT synagogues.  As a sign of their “demise,” Congregation Bet Haverim in Atlanta was called a “Post-Gay Synagogue.”  When the congregation’s rabbi, […]

Maurice Sendak in Queer Jewish Context with Professor Golan Moskowitz. An Online CLGS Jewish Queeries Series Event!


Click here for a video recording of this event! The late Jewish American artist Maurice Sendak (1928-2012) changed the face of children’s literature and paved the way for the reconsiderations of monstrosity and Otherness that pervade contemporary media, from Sesame Street to Stranger Things.  His emotionally isolated, unruly, and ethnically particular protagonists use fantasy to resist social coercion and self-erasure. In Wild […]

Queer Jewish Pasts: Histories of LGBTQ Jewish Activism in Europe and the United States

Or click here for a video recording of this CLGS Jewish Queeries Series event! Learn about the pioneers, milestone events, and inspirational moments that marked the early decades of the movement for LGBTQ rights in the American and European Jewish communities.  This presentation – by the two leading scholars of Jewish queer history – explores […]