We would like to invite GTU students, faculty and staff to join the CLGS and Ignite Institute in kicking off the fall semester at Pacific School of Religion with an afternoon of fun & refreshments! Come & learn all about our upcoming fall events and programming initiatives as well as ways to get involved with our work.

2:00pm-4:00pm Ignite Institute Open House
Mudd Building, Room 101

4:00pm-6:00pm CLGS Open House
Holbrook Building, Room 210

Founded by Pacific School of Religion in 2013, the Ignite Institute (originally the Center for Spiritual and Social Transformation) exists to support, inspire, and train those who are working towards social justice in the world.

The Ignite Institute’s Mission:

The Ignite Institute is helping to create a world where we all can flourish. They do this by providing education and training for spiritually-rooted changemakers, excavating and communicating the transformational narratives within progressive spiritual traditions, and by anchoring a network of faith communities, social justice organizations, and activists working towards economic justice.

Visit the Ignite Institute’s Website for more information about their upcoming programs and events.